Without talking about numbers and percentages, clearly, the majority of us are overweight. Some of our bodies may be more genetically prepared for this while others are not, meaning excess weight may affect us in different ways. Both the musculoskeletal structure and the internal organs will have too much demand on what they’re designed to handle. There may be fatigue, heat intolerance, palpitations, shortness of breath, or constipation. Other diseases may eventually develop, like hypertension, heart disease, high cholesterol, bone, and joint disease, or diabetes.
Energy for Digestion
In my daily practice of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, weight management is one of the most common concerns, usually at the root of other symptoms. We each have to consider how the energy we put into our body as food relates to the energy that our body uses to do work. As mentioned, genetics is clearly a factor. The endocrine system must also be considered, such as the adrenal glands, the thyroid gland, and the pancreas. Menopause and hormonal changes can also be influential when it comes to our weight and metabolism. Aside from focusing on the energy from food intake compared to the energy output by exercise, the Chinese medical approach pays attention to the energy needed to sustain the vital organs of digestion as another significant piece to healthy body weight.
Chinese Medicine has observed proper health as a matter of building up and conserving energy, as for any living organism. When this is abundant and moving appropriately through the body, the internal organs function effectively to keep us healthy. If the energy of the digestive system is sufficient, the body will optimally transform food into energy usable by the rest of the body. Eating too much food at once is known to tax and deplete the digestive function. Also regularly eating certain foods, like fried and greasy stuff, will be taxing.
Stress and Weight
The energy of the digestive system can be further weakened by excessive stress and inadequate sleep. We understand that these factors raise cortisol levels, which causes the body to store fat. Many of us also make poor food choices to help cope with daily stress. Prolonged or excessive stress is depleting and leads to fatigue. By increasing the energy level of the body, there are fewer cravings and overeating to try to compensate for the fatigue. It becomes much easier to lose weight when the energy level is higher. Acupuncture can help alleviate the effects of stress, improve quality of sleep, and promote more healthy digestion. It can stimulate the metabolism to assist in maximizing the absorption of nutrients so they are burned as fuel rather than stored as fat. Chinese herbs are also effectively used in formulas for the same purpose. Ultimately, the effect will result in healthy weight loss.
A Few Thoughts for Healthy Eating
It is obviously important to be aware of your food choices. Pay attention to how you feel after eating certain foods. You can observe how you emotionally feel and how your body feels. Is there a sense of fullness, heaviness, or discomfort after eating that food? Do you feel happier? We easily forget that food is not just about taste. Taste is experienced at the mouth and maybe momentarily pleasurable. It’s important to enjoy your food, but remember that the food keeps moving after you taste it and then gets incorporated into your body. Do you eat to comfort yourself because of stress or boredom? It may be time to courageously listen to how your body actually feels above all else.
It’s best to have food that has life. Think of an apple or a piece of fish versus a plate of pasta. Make time just to eat, like you make time to work, so you don’t have to rush and overload your body’s natural process of digesting. This is depleting the energy of the digestion system and will make it hard to effectively metabolize your food. If you can:
- pay attention to how your body feels after eating certain foods,
- choose foods that sustain your energy with life rather than tax the digestive process,
- keep your body moving throughout the day (as it wasn’t made to be still),
- manage your stressors effectively and make sure to get adequate sleep, and
- use supportive care like acupuncture and herbs,
I am confident that you will find a healthier weight for your body.