Healthy Environment

healthy environment

Many of us are now harvesting from our garden what we had previously planted. It is an incredible process to be a part of, especially seeing something from its seed. The code for what it was to become was within, and since it was given the right conditions, it now is what it was designed to be. The growing plant was able to withstand storms, insects, animals, and maybe disease. We admire our crop, compare it to last year, and consider the different conditions from one summer to the next. Make sure there is enough water and we put it in a place to hopefully get the right amount of sunlight. We care for the soil, keep out competitors, and may build fences to keep out other potential intruders. The whole point is to keep a healthy environment for that which we want to flourish.

Keep a Healthy Environment

This caring for the environment of the seed and plant is very much how Chinese Medicine approaches the body and disease. We may individually inhale the same virus but it may affect our bodies in different ways and to different degrees. This difference depends on what the environment of the body is like when the virus inhabits it. In order to address this, the strategy may not be to directly attack the intruder, as often is the power of medication, but to support the body’s innate defenses in order to minimize the effect of the intruder. It is said that the physician in Chinese history was compensated for keeping the person healthy, not when helping defeat the disease. Preventing illness by detecting imbalances and supporting the body’s environment has been the objective of Chinese Medicine historically.

We harvest our crops this Fall time in Vermont as the weather conditions are changing toward Winter. The change of season is a vulnerable time for our bodies, a time for readjusting, and our weaker areas may be seen. Our children have returned to school and are all grouped together. We begin to close the windows and have less fresh air circulating in the schools and workspaces. In Chinese medical thinking, we relate this season to the Lung system. Fall is when this system is in higher demand and has increased vulnerability.

The body’s organs are more seen in relationship to each other rather than separated. The Lung system is considered the part of the body responsible for the elimination of waste products. This includes the large intestine, the skin, the nose and sinuses, the lymphatics, and even the emotion of grief. This is similar to the natural world around us now. We see trees letting go of their dying leaves, which look so beautiful in the process. The leaves are no longer getting the nourishment they need because of the appropriate changes in the environment, so the trees naturally eliminate them.

Protect and Preserve

In order to take care of the Lung at this transitional time, it’s important to be aware of your limits. When you’re doing exercise, feel free to go a little easier for these next few weeks. Try to take each day at a time in order to not get overwhelmed by your stress. It’s darker earlier, so get into bed a bit sooner than you’ve been. Soak daily in the tub if you have one. Drink more warm tea and soups. Keep warm with your choice of clothing. Wear the extra layer or the scarf during this season to make sure your body doesn’t have to work harder to keep its equilibrium. Think of preserving your energy as we are adjusting toward Winter. This is like the animal that stores away food for the coming season.

Though we are protected from the environment with insulated houses and buildings, heating systems, and heavy clothing, our bodies are still experiencing a significant change within the surrounding environment. They are vulnerable and most of us will get some sort of respiratory infection in the next couple of months. But, with some care and preparation, hopefully, it will be a minor experience. Like giving water to your garden and clearing out the weeds, practice paying attention to what your body needs each day and during this seasonal change. And I hope you get a good look at those changing colors out there.

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