
Can you feel Fall coming? These cool morning temperatures are becoming noticeable. We’re seeing some leaves change at the edges of the trees. From a medical point of view, it’s a vulnerable time for potential illness. Our kids are all grouped in one place again for most of the day, the breeding ground called school. Windows will be closed in our houses and offices, stopping the free circulation of outside air.

Time of Change

Chinese Medicine recognizes the human body as another object in nature. And we are now in a natural time of change. Health may be measured in how we experience the changes we face. That could be the change in season, change in job, menopausal change, the loss of a loved one, and so on. This is observed physically and emotionally.

With the Fall season, the ancient Chinese identified that the Lung system is more vulnerable at this time. The “Lung system” includes the systems in the body that let go of waste, the way that trees let go of their leaves in the fall. That is the lungs, the large intestine, the skin, the nose and sinuses, the lymphatic system. These parts of the body may be more likely to have problems during this time of year for many of us.

Support the Lung

So how can we protect the Lung system? This is similar to how we think of supporting the immune system at this time of year. Many people start drinking echinacea tea or take an elderberry tincture now. In Chinese herbal medicine, astragalus is a main immune supportive herb that can be found at the local coop or herb store. I often recommend this to people who tend to get sick multiple times in the fall and winter. The root contains many active plant compounds, which are thought to be responsible for its immune enhancing effect. Some studies show astragalus’ impact in boosting white blood cell production, which helps fight bacteria and viruses. In Chinese medical thinking, astragalus strengthens the work of the Lung. This herb can affect blood glucose levels, so one would be careful with its use if taking blood glucose lowering medication.

I also recommend taking the extra effort to keep warm as our bodies get readjusted to cooler weather. It’s not too soon to get out the thicker socks or to wear the extra layer of long sleeves, even though it may warm up in the afternoon. And don’t be afraid to wear your scarf with the coming of the fall. It’s not too early to start making the warm soups and stews. Think about going the extra mile to keep warm right now. Take the warm baths, hot tubs, saunas that you may have access to. These are ways to protect the Lung system, according to Chinese Medicine, during this time when the body is adjusting from warmer months to the colder ones.

Prevention is Best

It’s interesting that historically in China the physician was compensated while keeping the people healthy, not when treating them during sickness. Some extra effort during a significant change of season like we have in Vermont can go a long way toward preventing illness. During this time, it makes good sense to put attention on eating healthily and getting your daily walk in. Sometimes we don’t prevent illness with these efforts but we can minimize it by keeping our systems strong. I hope it’s an easy change of season for you.

This piece was originally published in The World.

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